Friday, November 20, 2009

"Tinkering school”

I think that the idea of a tinkering school is possible in Chile and it is an excellent one because in that way school can help to develop new abilities in kids. But, teachers need the support of the school and also of parents because they need to understand that the process of learning is not only be in a classroom listening to one teacher without any interaction or participation. Leraning is an internal process in which students are the main.

Moreover, I think that schools can integrate these activities by giving an opportunity for teachers to create instance of work, which could be as workshops. On this workshop teachers should prepare creative activities in which kids could work with plants or with sticks and different kinds of tools. This will be a different way of teach in which students can develop new abilities like believe in themselves, also be part of a different style of class which is motivating. Moreover, students are exposed to learn without rules and without think in having a grade or tests because workshops will be focu on develop abilities and that students can learn how to solve problems and be self-sufficiency.
These workshops are focus on prepare students for the rest of their lives because kids can found in which things they are good and what things they prefer to do. This is a great opportunity to motivate students to continue studying at the university and pushing them to follow their dreams.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Using sound in the Classroom

After having read the article, I began to analize what was mention there about the significance of the sound in our leraning. So, if we start to think, we are going to find out that sounds influence our lives in many ways like when we are sad and we want to express what we feel we start to listen to music.

Now, one instance in which I would use saunds would be at the begginig of the class or at the end of it. I would let them think by their own at the same time in which they would be resting in that way sounds ( like music of ambience) can help to let your imagination going. After that, students can start to writea story or a skit. In that way we can link natural sounds with language and creativity. Before the class ends, students can share what they have written and, then make some comments ralate it with how natural sound from the enviroment con influence or can affect in differents ways to students.

Another activity would be: use saunds with images. I would like first put the sounds (animals, cars, bells, birds, etc...)in that way the began to think which things those sounds represent. Then I would show them some images and they woulds have to recognize which sound go which with image, in that way students would be focused in the activity and would be also developing their accurate listening with their attentiveness and the ability of analize and recognize things of our enviroment and things that are surrounding us.

Education and teachers should find new alternitves and new activites because they have to catch the attention of students.

Taca care.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Questions (Andre´s presentation)

1-. What would you do to change that kind of male chauvinist thinking that some parents teach to their kids?

2-. Do you accept to work in one school which teach that women should be responsible for housework only?

3-. What do you think about it? (Have change that situation in our country?, we could change it now a days?)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Critical Thinking Presentation

Nathalie and Francisca talked about famous writer called Lev Nikoláyevich Tolstói. He was a Russian writer and he was considering one of the most important from occidental. Moreover, they explained us why he was consider so important as an artist, because of his thoughts and how he could inspire others´ minds.

Then the girls were talking a little bit about his life and also they were showing some pictures. During his life also we could learned about how he changed his way of thinking

and who were his main influences during that period, like Pierre- Joseph.

Girls also talked about what Tolstoy thought about the education and which were his political and religious beliefs this last one was
Christianity. They gave us some names of books and at the end of the presentation they comment everything as a conclusion.

Take care.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


A New Beginning

Without thinking it, that happened
I was dancing slowly
through the air,
seeing a new sunset
all those old memories I throw away.

A big broken wall, now was leaving behind
with those ugly memories like a flower when it dies.
I was sad, I almost did not wake up
but the sun began to shine,
and the door opened wide.

I can run, I can jump, I can dream and smile
looking ahead and seeing beyond the air
a bright new life.


My Feeling

My breathing accelerated
when I was running into your arms,
looking at your eyes
I start to fly
seeing a new sky
full of hearts.

I was nervous and embarrased
floating like a bird,
dreaming and smiling thinking in your lips.

I felt butterflies inside of me,

I hug you and I thought
I will never let you go again.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Here is our TED experience ! I hope you like it!

Francisca and Bárbara !


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


First of all I agree with what is express in the video and with the words of Richard. I believe, that successeful is not something that you have to pay off or that happen because you have so many material thinghs.
Now seccessful in the classroom sometimes could be misunderstood, because is not only have good grades. It is one unique feeling of doing what you love. or when you feel that you are doing what makes you feel confortable and happy.
Moreover being successful is something personal, also is not comparable with anything and with anyone.
In mi opinion being successful is feel that you are doing thigs right, also be a better person and feel that your life makes you feel happy.