Friday, November 20, 2009

"Tinkering school”

I think that the idea of a tinkering school is possible in Chile and it is an excellent one because in that way school can help to develop new abilities in kids. But, teachers need the support of the school and also of parents because they need to understand that the process of learning is not only be in a classroom listening to one teacher without any interaction or participation. Leraning is an internal process in which students are the main.

Moreover, I think that schools can integrate these activities by giving an opportunity for teachers to create instance of work, which could be as workshops. On this workshop teachers should prepare creative activities in which kids could work with plants or with sticks and different kinds of tools. This will be a different way of teach in which students can develop new abilities like believe in themselves, also be part of a different style of class which is motivating. Moreover, students are exposed to learn without rules and without think in having a grade or tests because workshops will be focu on develop abilities and that students can learn how to solve problems and be self-sufficiency.
These workshops are focus on prepare students for the rest of their lives because kids can found in which things they are good and what things they prefer to do. This is a great opportunity to motivate students to continue studying at the university and pushing them to follow their dreams.


  1. Workshops is a great idea, actually I talked about the same in my post. Great minds think alike! haha or something like that.
    I think students need to be part of the class and solving problems it is a good way to demostrate them that they are able to confront any problem. I like the way you focused your post!

    Happy Birthday!


  2. I think that the idea of a tinkering school is possible in Chile and it is an excellent one because in that way schools can help to develop new abilities in kids. But, teachers need the support of the school and also of parents because they need to understand that the process of learning is not only in a classroom, listening to a teacher without any interaction or participation. Learning is an internal process in which students are the main (what?).

    Moreover, I think that schools can integrate these activities by giving an opportunity for teachers to create instance of work, which could be workshops. In this workshop teachers should prepare creative activities in which kids could work with plants or with sticks and different kinds of tools. This will be a different way of teaching in which students can develop new abilities like believing in themselves, also being part of a different style of class which is motivating. Moreover, students are exposed to learn without rules and without thinking about having a grade or tests because workshops will be focused on developing abilities and that students can learn how to solve problems and be self-sufficient.
    These workshops are focusing (would focus, right?) on preparing students for the rest of their lives because kids can find what things they are good at and what things they prefer to do. This is a great opportunity to motivate students to continue studying at the university and pushing them to follow their dreams.
