Thursday, August 27, 2009


Here is our TED experience ! I hope you like it!

Francisca and Bárbara !


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


First of all I agree with what is express in the video and with the words of Richard. I believe, that successeful is not something that you have to pay off or that happen because you have so many material thinghs.
Now seccessful in the classroom sometimes could be misunderstood, because is not only have good grades. It is one unique feeling of doing what you love. or when you feel that you are doing what makes you feel confortable and happy.
Moreover being successful is something personal, also is not comparable with anything and with anyone.
In mi opinion being successful is feel that you are doing thigs right, also be a better person and feel that your life makes you feel happy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Personal success

One of the things I have done and make my feel proud of myself is have improve my dancing skills. During my school I could participate in a dance and cheerleader team, that teach me to work in groups and know how important each person is. I learnt a lot during those years and in my last year at school we won a competition, actually the most important championship, the award was go to United State and compete in the world championship with the best in the world in this discipline.

When I started this eight years ago, my dream was travel and compete with excellent teams and represent my school and my country. Fortunately, I could make my dreams come true , and go to United State was an achievement, because I participate in the most important and prestigious championship.

All this processe was really hard for me and my team , because I hurt my left hand and we have to make many changes two days before the trip. But after that everything turn out well in the end. We did very well in our presentation and we get the fifth place. Moreover I could participated and prove myself that if I want something I am capable to do my best.

Francisca Rivas